Alicia White Selected as a top global leader for the Estée Lauder Emerging Leaders Fund Vital Voices Program

Alicia White has been named one of this year’s the Estée Lauder Emerging Leaders Fund (ELELF) and Vital Voices Visionary leaders. The VV Visionaries program was created to support the current and next generation of top global emerging leaders who are redefining leadership in their everyday lives.   

The VV Visionaries program invests in trailblazing women by increasing their access to leadership training and the networks that sustain them. Together with the Estée Lauder Emerging Leaders Fund, this signature program will champion women leaders across diverse sectors, industries, and experiences who are creating positive social impact in their communities and beyond. 

Three cohorts of 50 women visionaries over the age of 18 will participate in a 7-week immersive virtual experience built on the proven leadership model of Vital Voices, incorporating lessons in leadership from Estée Lauder executives and Vital Voices Global Network leaders.  

Alicia was one of the few participants from all three cohorts to be selected for the annual in-person experience that provides deeper training and investment in their personal leadership journeys. 

Following completion of the cohort, participants will join the Vital Voices community of over 20,000 changemakers across 185 countries, each of whom are daring to reimagine a more equitable world for all. Vital Voices is an international non-profit, non-partisan NGO that was co-founded by Sec. Hillary Rodham Clinton and the late Sec. Madeleine Albright in 1997. Vital Voices provided early support for leaders who went on to become Nobel Peace Prize Laureates, U.S. Youth Poet Laureates, prime ministers, and breakthrough social entrepreneurs. Notable Alumni include Malala Yousafzai and Amanda Gorman.


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